Adoptable Dogs - Ermioni

"ERMIONI" is a GREEK HOUND MIX about 2 years old and weights aprox. 15kg.

Tender and loving "ERMIONI" was found by one of SPFG members tied up to a tree deep in the woods.

Thankfully she was probably abandoned quite recently so she wasn't yet decimated by hunger and thirst. Had our teammate not wandered by that spot on his walk with his dogs, poor "ERMIONI" would have either died a horrible and slow death or would have been attacked and killed by a wild animals.

She was taken to our vet for all the appropriate exams and then to the security of our sanctuary.

In time we spayed, fully vaccinated, vetted, and microchipped her while training and housebreaking her.

"ERMIONI" is very human centered while also social with other animals like all hunting dogs. She adores interacting with people and loves human touch. Active outdoors while quiet and relaxed inside the house. She will the perfect addition to any family and would fill her forever home with love and joy.